This method is explained on slides 16-17. Note that if unsure of material properties, this step can be fully or partially skipped as materials can also be assigned and/or modified at a later time. RHINO Æ ECOTECT To assign a specific material to each zone: - Select a layer and choose Material Æ Select Material. Zones are Ecotect’s equivalent to layers. RHINO Æ ECOTECT - With all layers now selected, choose: Zone Æ By Item Name to assign each Rhino layer to a separate zone. RHINO Æ ECOTECT Assigning Rhino layers to separate zones: - Choose: Zone Æ Select All to select all layers which were present in the Rhino model. Merging coincident triangles is explained on slide 15. Ecotect calculates in mm and therefore in ‘scale objects by’ insert a scale factor to obtain a model where 1unit = 1mm. Uncheck ‘auto merge triangles’ as this operation will significantly slow down the import process process, and is better performed at a later time time. RHINO Æ ECOTECT - Leave ‘remove duplicate faces’ checked. RHINO Æ ECOTECT In Ecotect: - Select: File Æ Import Æ 3D CAD Geometry… - Select ‘DXF (*.DXF)’ from the dropdown menu and then choose the saved rhino file.Ĭaution: Selecting File Æ Open will lead to a dialog box with less options. INFO Note that the more complex the polygon mesh applied to the model, the longer it will take to save and to subsequently load into Ecotect. In this example, accurate modeling of the curved leaf is required i d tto understand d t dh how it reflects fl t lilight ht d down iinto t th the space, and the slider is accordingly adjusted to the right. Unless precise geometry is essential for proper calculations. RHINO Æ ECOTECT - When prompted for polygon mesh options, the slider should remain completely to the left.

All other options can be left at their default values. Deselect “Project to plane” (If this option is left on, the file will be saved as a 2D model) RHINO Æ ECOTECT In the dialog box that appears: - Select “Polygon meshes” and “Polyface meshes” (These options ensure that the model will be composed of surfaces as opposed to being a wireframe model) RHINO Æ ECOTECT - Choose “AutoCAD (*.dxf)” file format and save. This includes distinguishing between different types of glazing l i ((single, i l double, d bl triple, etc) and paint finishes (colour, matte, glossy etc) glossy, etc). RHINO Æ ECOTECT In Rhino: - Before exporting, organize materials on separate layers according to their optical properties. Tiffany ff Otis O | Christoph C Reinhart Harvard Graduate School of Design